
Thursday, 26 July 2018

Recount writing-In the holidays

We are learning to use show don't tell to spice up our writing.
In the holidays
On Sunday morning me and my family went to the beach at Opononi.
Firstly we brought our go karts and motorbikes and quads to the beach so we could have fun riding our vehicles on the sand. I was drifting on all of the motorcycles. I was racing my mum and dad. My brother was at the back of me on the go karts because there were two seats. When I was riding my go kart I was going super fast. It felt like I was zooming because I was going fast as. When I was riding I was so happy and proud  and I had a huge smile on my face. It was as bright as the sun at the beach. It was a beautiful day.
My brother was yelling, “Yipeee!”
He was so excited he had a huge smile on his face.
My mum and dad said, “This is the best ride ever.”
We all enjoyed our wonderful day.
I said to my dad, “Thank you for taking us to the beach.”
I had a big big as smile on my face. I was giving a high five to the sky.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Matariki Star and Cinquain Poem.

I wrote a cinquain poem about Stars.

Persuasive Writing.

I am learning to use the correct structure and language for Persuasive Writing.

I think we should be a bucket filling school.
Firstly I think we should be a bucket filling school because then we would become a kind school.
Everyone would be helping each other.

Wouldn't that be nice?
Another reason I think why we should be a bucket filling school is so other kids would want to come to our school. They would want to come to a safe school where everyone is kind to each other.
Lastly I think we should be a bucket filling school because then we would not bully each other.
Instead of bullying we would be showing respect and care for each other
.So that's why I think we should be a bucket filling school

Learning Wall- Term 2 2018

Made with Padlet

My reading level-Term 2 2018

This is a Level 22 text.
I am reading at my expected level.